I often think that if when we davened we were paid by word we said with kavana - let's say $10 a word - our davening would look much MUCH different. Like, instead of פסוקי דזמרא being a burden, it would be a financial windfall.
It is no coincidence that the halacha is that we should daven פסוקי דזמרא as if we are counting money - כמונה מעות. From here you see how the halacha assumes that people - even ehriche, voila Yidden - love money. And also that we have a tendency to say it really fast to get it out of the way - if we don't skip or merely "scan" it.
Ditto for learning. Imagine that for every Mishna we learned $100 dollars was deposited in our bank accounts. For every quick chazara another fifty. Somehow, I think people would be less on their phones and more on their Kehati's....
Secret - The rewards of davening w/ kavana and learning w/ chazara are MUCH GREATER than money. Halevai we should actually believe and live that...