It seems like every woman is either dieting or would be if they could keep to it.
I don't think that every woman is fat - but it seems that they do.
"Weight" is one of the "heaviest" issues around [pun totally intended].
Some people get shots to lower their weight. These shots are DANGEROUS!!
Some people have surgery!! Surgery is DANGEROUS!!!!
Some people stop eating chocolate. Not eating chocolate is DANGEROUS!!!!
So I have the ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I am male but in today's world a man can choose to be a woman in a moment. Gender isn't binary!!! I am a woman when סוף זמן קריאת שמע is a challenge. Or when חס ושלום I don't feel like doing שנים מקרא ואחד תרגום. Or when I want to be a better athlete.
Plus - men have weight issues too!!! I know LOTTTTTTTTTTTTTSSSSSSS of fat overweight pleasantly plump men. We just almost never talk about it as do our "better halves" [sometimes our better 3 quarters. Sometimes our better quarter].
So here it is!!!!!!:
The problem is not in your mouth or stomach but in your .......
NESHAMA. Your psyche. Your complex world of emotions, beliefs and fears.
Eating is a spiritual exercise. Remember that.
ואידך פירושא זיל גמור - The rest is commentary. Go and learn.