Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Two Approaches

There are two basic philosophies. 

One is that Hashem is the only true metzius. אין עוד מלבדו as in not only is He the only G-d but the only true existence. Things only can exist insofar as they are connected to Him. The more connected - the stronger the existence.

The other is that [ח"ו] this is not true. 

That is it. If you accept the first approach, then you will live your life one way and draw all of your opinions and desires from the Torah [as much as possible]. If you don't, then you will not. Just about every non-Torah thing you read today is predicated on the assumption that man is the center of the creation [or "the world" b/c they don't believe in creation]. 

So many of the arguments people have would be resolved in a second if they just realized that beneath it all lies this one question. Those who take the latter approach are really just arguing about themselves. "I" believe. "I" think. "I" know. Then the question begs why you think that you personal opinion has any more validity than anyone else's. I mean - are you the smartest person on earth? Most probably not.... Are you the most well read person on earth? Also not. How many books have you NOT read? How much do you NOT know about  - molecular biology, astrophysics, quantum theory, medieval and modern philosophy, the countless schools of psychology and endless other things? 

So it is safest, smartest and most highly recommended to stick with the One true reality who knows everything - including and most significantly, what is best for you and the world. 

Not that we have a choice and this is a volunteer program but as Moderns we are led to believe that being a spiritual and religiously observant person is a matter of choice.  

So we must be מקבל עול but we should do it bi-simcha!