It is important to know that much of what people believe is based on premises. These premises are rarely questioned if the person is even aware of them which he is often not.
One reason we can be firm in our religious beliefs is that there is no religion or belief system on the planet that is as receptive to, and filled with questions in its sacred literature like ours.
However when it comes to things like covid, covid vaccines and masks just about everything everybody believes is predicated on either partial information or misinformation, and either partial understanding, misunderstanding or no understanding of the issues. I think it was Rochel-eh Valensky [the מלכה of the CDC - with such a frum name you would think that she would cover her hair. It must be a shaitel] who said that it is called the "novel coronavirus" b/c we know so little about it. It is novel. So the scientists DON'T know but the world is filled with housewives, accountants and taxi drivers who DO know.
על חטא שחטאנו לפניך ביודעין ובלא יודעין - On the sin that we sinned before you that we said we know "ביודעין" and we really didn't "ובלא יודעין".