Thursday, September 2, 2021

The Sneaky Yetzer Hara

Why do we read the Parsha of forbidden Arayos on Yom Kippur?

Tosfos Megilla: Women come to shul all dressed up so men need a reminder to behave themselves. 

Even on Yom Kippur. 

Taz: Man is most strongly drawn to Arayos. So on this very holy day he needs to hear how serious the aveirah is in order to make a strong mark on his soul.

Why is a Kohen Gadol not allowed to marry a widow? One commentary says - So that he not go into the קודש קודשים on Yom Kippur and daven that so and so with the attractive wife should die so that the Kohen Gadol himself can marry this man's wife!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lesson: The Yetzer Hara doesn't care who you are, where you are and when it is - he is AFTER you. Particularly when it comes to women. Be vigilant. Guard your eyes, your phone, your computer, your thoughts and your speech. The Yetzer Hara has gotten people MUCH GREATER than us to fall BIG TIME!!!