Monday, January 10, 2022

The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

“Secular ideologies preach liberty but practice tyranny.”
― Nancy Pearcey, Saving Leonardo: A Call to Resist the Secular Assault on Mind, Morals, and Meaning


The secular press LOVES scandals in the Charedi world. It allows them to condescendingly pontificate to the Charedi world about morality and to elaborate about all the problems in the Charedi world.


It is like a second grader telling a student in MIT that he [the second grader] is better at math b/c he got a 71 on his math test while the MIT student only received a 68. 

The Torah world is light years ahead of the secular world when it comes to anything involving morality. In the Torah world, sexual deviance exists [too much], but is the exception to the rule. In the secular world - it is the RULE. About 10 years ago a poll was taken and 85 percent of secular men admitted to cheating on their wives [making one wonder what percentage of the remaining 15 percent were lying]. It is well known that there is sexual harassment at all levels of government, the army, the media and entertainment etc. etc. Any time a couple in that world separates, there is no way that both people won't be sleeping with others before actually getting divorced. The average irreligious kid sees more pritzus in ONE DAY than the average Charedi kid sees in 20 years. The average Charedi has one sexual partner in his or her lifetime. The average Chiloni has .... only G-d knows, but a LOT more than one, etc. etc.  There are tens of thousands of religious men who are "שמור עיניים" [to varying degrees...]. Is there ONE secular person who is "שומר עיניים"? As a matter of course, secular people use filthy language. If a religious person does it is b/c he has temporarily stumbled. Religious people don't own TV'S which are purveyors of all type of filth. There is almost no secular home w/o one.  

The Torah world has problems b/c it turns out that Charedim have a Yetzer Hara too. These problems are being addressed and will hopefully be fixed as much as possible. But PLEASE don't compare the Torah world with the non-Torah world. The non-Torah world has everything bad - sexual immorality, lying, cheating, violence, murder, rape and every bad middah possible. If you need proof - open up any newspaper any day.  They also have good middos but not anywhere near what we have in our world. Not the Tzdaka, not the chesed, not the tzniyus, not the middos tovos etc. etc. 

The reason is that if one doesn't have a G-d - then everything evil becomes a viable option. If you believe that you are a בהמה then the נפש הבהמית will be the dominant factor in your life.  If you believe in G-d and that you are G-dly, then you act accordingly. 

Nobody EVER becomes irreligious b/c he wants to be a better human being. "Keeping Torah makes me a bad person so I want to be a kofer b/c I will be truly a kind and generous person with pure character". Never. But LOADS of people become better people AFTER they become religious.   

Secularism is beyond corrupt but this is lost on people who are too busy criticizing the religious community to notice.