Saturday, January 8, 2022

The State Of The State

1. Many of us were raised on the Zionist ideal. The fact that we have a government in Israel is like - Yemos Hamoshiach. It makes many tear up just thinking about it. 

But then you watch videos of what goes on in the Knesset. The level of emotional maturity displayed by our "leaders" - from the PM and down - is often inferior that that of a kindergarten class, without any exaggeration. Is THIS what we have been hoping for all the years???

It SHOULD make a person cry - but not from joy.  

2. One of the characteristics of the Israeli government from day one was "כחי ועוצם ידי" - an arrogance about their power and might to the exclusion of Hashem. A few weeks ago the PM said that this new variant is going to make us toast. We have no way of stopping it [BUT GET VACCINATED ANYWAY!!!].

He was right. About 29k new cases over the last two days. Where is the כחי ועוצם ידי??? It was like during the Gulf War. The Iraqi's were sending scud missiles into Israel and instead of defending ourselves we were told to go into sealed rooms, wear a mask [not a Covid mask - a chemical warfare mask] and hope for the best. Sometimes you reach a point that you understand that you are nothing. 

3. How many real Zionists are there left? Thee Charedim were never really Zionists [as the term is used today]. The secular by and large either moved to Chutz La-aretz or stayed but thinks we should give away our land to the Arabs. The religious Zionists HATE the present government - with a passion. Oh - but the PM wears a yarmulke. So it's all good.....       

This was brought to you by the Jewish Agency and WZO - the World Zionist Organization. 

PS - There is also a lot of positive to be thankful for - of course!