I wonder about those well meaning people who post their wedding videos on line - enabling every single pervert on the planet to see the Kallah.
On the topic: One viewer of a frum wedding wondered why the groom kisses everyone including his mother in law but doesn't kiss the bride. The explanation is (probably) that it wasn't his mother in law he was kissing but his mother and for the same reason he didn't kiss the bride, the video shouldn't be on line. Namely - Tzniyus.
Given the number of children the average religious couple has, people can be rest assured that the bride will eventually be kissed - just not in front of the whole world. We do kiss our Mezuzos in public, so we are not THAT prude.
[I was once at someone's house and the father was playfully signing happy birthday to the mother and did the whole song "today is somebody's birthday. Whose birthday? Mommy's birthday. How old is she? One two etc. etc. etc. etc. such and such years old and never been kissed by ....." and one of the children said with complete seriousness "Abba". THAT is the way it should be.]