There is an aggressive advertising campaign currently underway to try to get people to join a certain daf yomi shiur, including the bribe incentive of a free Gemara!!!
GO FOR IT!!!! We all need to learn Shas and if the free Gemara helps - GREAT!!! [This reminds me of a great joke. But as you know - I try never to use humor on this blog. Non-funny guys like me should just remain serious and leave the humor to people who are actually funny].
I will make you a DIFFERENT offer - with an incentive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK - here goes!!
If you get a Chavrusa/Rebbi and spend two-plus hours a day learning Gemara Bi-iyun with all of your kochos - you will learn how to learn!!! You will become an EXPERT at reading and understanding Jewish texts. You will taste the sweetness of Torah and it is likely that it will be the MOST ENJOYABLE AND MEANINGFUL EXPERIENCE in your life. More than eating, drinking, fulfilling marriage related mitzvos, going to Florida for Pesach, driving the new car you leased, speaking and hearing lashon hara, etc. etc. It WON'T be easy - which is the greatest proof that it works. Be SUSPICIOUS of anything easy. But the hard work will PAY OFF - BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG-TIIIIIIIMMMMMMMMEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO PAIN -NO GAIN馃挭馃挭. It will also bring you closer to HASHEM!!!馃榾馃槉
How does THAT sound???