Thursday, November 30, 2023

Be On Top Of The *News*

Given the present situation, it is IMPERATIVE that we all CONSTANTLY check the *news*. 

If you are not an expert in all of the Minchas Chinuch then that would be *news* for you.

If you don't know the Ohr Hachaim Al Hatorah then THAT would be 

*news* for you. 

If you are not familiar with the sfarim of Rav Yosef Engel then they would be *news* to you. 

If you never learned through Rabbeinu Yonah's Shaarei Teshuva then BY GOLLY would that be *news*. 

I totally promise you. These news items are FAAAAR more nourishing to the mind and soul than the endless babble of "news sites". 

But shouldn't one be up to date with what is happening in Israel? Yes. That can be accomplished in ONE MINUTE or two a day [and in the small mezuza-less room]. The rest is endless and needless commentary. 

Time is life and once a second goes it never comes back. We don't only die once. Every second that is gone is a second that died and will never come back. After 120, make sure you have as much as possible to show from every second. 

Be the master of your time.