Monday, June 21, 2021

Ayin Tova For All

The infantile way of viewing people is that they are all bad or all good. NOBODY is either. We are all mixtures. 

So a kind word about our outgoing PM [despite his many flaws - like that he doesn't keep Shabbos....]. 

He save THOUSANDS of lives by getting the vaccine so quickly. It seems that Israel has been the most successful country in the world in controlling the virus. That is SOMETHING!! Of course we thank Hashem but we also thank his shaliach בנימין בן צילה from Netanya!!! To save ONE LIFE is to save an ENTIRE WORLD!!! To save thousands is to save THOUSANDS of worlds!!!! 

Another kind word. He spent days and nights hard at work trying to help millions of Jews in Eretz Yisrael. People can debate whether he was a good PM or not but nobody can debate that he worked very hard to ensure our safety from our enemies, build the economy and the countless other things he worked for. No - he is not a perfect Tzadik. Far from it. But אין הקב"ה מקפח שכר כל בריה and people can hate him as much as they want to but that will not stop Hashem from rewarding him for the good he did and we must not be ingrates. A strong Israel is a strong Jewish people worldwide. He tried hard to build our country [and in my estimation he did a very good job but I don't follow politics closely so I don't have an educated opinion] all the while being relentlessly pursued by countless sources both in the press and elsewhere who tried to destroy him. Not to mention that he served in the top army unit "סיירת מטכ"ל" where he was injured and almost died. Again - protecting the Jewish People. He also suffered the loss of his brother Yoni who died trying to protect Jewish people. These are not small deals.  

While saying good words abt. secular politicians [whom I usually bash b/c when שקר and חנופה made a shidduch - politics was born...]:

Yair Lapid [!!!]. He recently got up in the Knesset and revealed that he is descended from the Shlah HaKadosh!!! He said that the Shlah is looking down on him and is NOT happy!! But Yair looks up at the Shlah and is very proud that he has such a distinguished ancestor. So all at once he admitted that he is a lapsed Jew, proclaimed that the Shlah was a Tzadik whom he looks up to and that there is life after death [maybe he doesn't really believe it but he said it]!!! Then he proceeded to compliment and praise a group of Charedi individuals who were there at the Knessest for chesed they had done during Covid. 

So no - our Gedolim are not Benny or Yair. But at times it is worthwhile looking at our adversaries with an עין טובה. Especially when those adversaries are members of the ancient holy tribe called עם ישראל!!!!