Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Florida As A Moshol

Florida is a moshol to this world. 

I LOVE Florida. If I weren't religious and believed that Israel is the ideal place for Jews [I don't know what gave me THAT idea😉] - I would live in Florida. [Especially given the top tax bracket that I inhabit - the low taxes are perfect for me😂😃]. Given the number of Israelis who live there - it almost IS Israel!!

It is the SUNSHINE STATE. Sunshine is light, warmth, comfort, vitamin d. When I would go down to Miami Beach for winter vacation or Pesach as a child [in free, fully sponsored vacations!!!! Where did THOSE disappear to???], I would stay in the Caribbean Hotel and the owner [I think he was the owner], Mr. Sam Schechter, would walk around from table to table in the dining room and say with a smile "another beautiful day in Miami Beach. No snow" [except once in the last 200 years in January of 1977].

Indeed. Every day was a beautiful day. The middle of winter in FREEEZZZIINNGGGGG New York and in Miami - 75 and sunny. Not a cloud in the GORGEOUS blue sky!!! 

The beach, the refreshing water, cold orange juice, my beloved football Dolphins, a game of tennis or basketball, endless kosher food, shuls and mikvaos galore, 657,000 fellow Jews, all of your friend's grandparents, a trip to Orlando for Disney World - ahhhhhhhhhh, the life. [When I was a kid - it was FILLED with Holocaust survivors and there is no creature - even among malachim - holier than Holocaust survivors. I love them and I love their accents]. 

All true. 

But there are also periodic hurricanes which knock peoples homes over. There is a very high crime rate. Anti-Semitism. And now - a 12 story condo which collapses, burying dozens and dozens under the rubble, including many of our own people, causing indescribable anguish to their loved ones.  

So where in THIS world is there a real Paradise? 


This world is for hard work. Paradise is for the next world. 

היום לעשותם ומחר לקבל שכרם.