First we have no body. We are just a soul.
Then we eat through a tube in our stomach.
Then we are born and are completely dependent on others for everything. Including diaper changing.
Then we become progressively more independent and can feed, dress and bathe ourselves.
Then we build a family where we work and support ourselves while even providing for others.
Then, as we age, little by little we progressively become more and more dependent on others.
Then we become almost completely dependent on others.
Then, at times, comes complete dependence and even the diapers - just like when we were babies.
Then the eating tube.
Then.... no body - just a soul.
Just like when we started.
The cycle of life.
The question is - what type of soul are you going to return with? We have a very limited amount of time, and LOOOOTTTTSSSSSSS to do. EVERYBODY has their fair share of tests designed to elevate their soul [נסיון comes from נס which is a high flying mast]. So cheshbon hanefesh is a great idea. How is your davening? Learning? Chesed? Tzedaka? Kibbud Av Va-eim? Spousal relationship? Children? Emunah? Bitachon? Ahavas Habriyos? What are you addicted to? What are your strong points? These are the כלים Hashem gave you to make the world a better place. What are your weak points? Are you growing? Are you different today than you were a year ago?
And remember: Most of mankind spends a large percentage of their lives pursuing not the Almighty but the almighty dollar. Dollars are important - but only as a means. NEVER an end. It is critical to keep that in mind. After your sojourn on earth nobody [including Hashem!!!] will care how much money you had [besides of course your inheritors:-)] or what degree you had on what subject.
סוף דבר הכל נשמע את האלקים ירא ואת מצוותיו שמור כי זה כל האדם!!!!!!!!!!!!!