This is from March 21st:
יו"ר ימינה נפתלי בנט חתם הערב (ראשון) על התחייבות שלא להצטרף לממשלה בראשות יו"ר יש עתיד, יאיר לפיד. במסמך שהציג בנט בריאיון לערוץ 20 נכתב: "לא אאפשר ליאיר לפיד להיות ראש ממשלה, גם לא ברוטציה". בנט התחייב גם שלא יקים ממשלה שתישען על תמיכתה של רע"ם, וקרא לראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו לתחום על התחייבות דומה.
בשבועות האחרונים שב בנט ומבהיר כי לא יצטרף לממשלה שיוביל לפיד, בניגוד לטענות שמעלה נגדו נתניהו. "אין לנו בעיה שלפיד ישתתף בממשלה", אמר בריאיון לכאן ב', "אבל בסופו של דבר לא נשב בממשלה בראשות השמאל. לא הגיוני שיהיה ראש ממשלה מהשמאל". בריאיון לישראל היום בסוף השבוע האחרון הצהיר בנט: "לא אמליך בחיים ממשלה בהובלת השמאל".
In simple English - Bennett promised not to join a government w/ Lapid. Now of course he joined forces w/ Lapid, which means that he ...... lied!!!!
"In a nationally-televised response
just moments after Bennett’s announcement, Netanyahu called Bennett’s move
from his natural right-wing allies “the
fraud of the century.” Netanyahu cited
Bennett’s explicit and repeat promises to the Israeli public not to join a
government with Lapid, even with a
Netanyahu called on right-wing legislators, including Bennett’s party “not
to establish a left-wing government,”
calling the proposed government a
“danger to the security of Israel and a
danger to the future of the state.”"
A Yesod of Rav Shteinman: EVERYBODY lies. Everybody. Someone once quoted Rav Shteinman as saying that MOST people lie [in order to make it a less radical statement]. When Rav Shteinman read that he was upset. That is not what I said!! He told the person. I said that EVERYBODY lies.
It is important to remember that. The ONLY people who don't lie are people who have worked for years on the middah of Emes. Such people are RAREEEEEEE!!
As I have written many times - I am not a big mayven in politics and only follow it on the "כסא הכבוד" when it is anyway assur to read more worthwhile things. But one thing I know. It is critical for everyone to understand that NOBODY can be trusted 100 percent. Certainly not politicians. We all have human foibles.
So who can we trust?
And all we can do is vote for the politicians whose lying and bad middos will bring more benefit than harm. And of course who possess as many good middos as possible.
This weeks parsha is a classic case. Korach couched his opposition to Moshe in ideological "frummer-than-thou" terms. כל העדה כולם קדושים ובתוכם ה' ומדוע תתנשאו על קהל השם!!! Wow - POWERFUL. And soooo true. EVERYONE is holy. So Moshe - why are you lording over us??
What was it REALLY about? Plain ol' jealousy....
Rashi: Now what made Korah decide to quarrel with Moses? He envied the chieftainship of Elizaphan the son of Uzziel whom Moses appointed as chieftain over the sons of Kohath by the [Divine] word. Korah claimed, “My father and his brothers were four [in number]” as it says, “The sons of Kohath were…” (Exod. 6:18). Amram was the first, and his two sons received greatness-one a king and one a kohen gadol. Who is entitled to receive the second [position]? Is it not I, who am the son of Izhar, who is the second brother to Amram? And yet, he [Moses] appointed to the chieftainship the son of his youngest brother! I hereby oppose him and will invalidate his word.
בימים ההם בזמן הזה.
In the words of Koheles:
וְרָאִיתִי אֲנִי אֶת כָּל עָמָל וְאֵת כָּל כִּשְׁרוֹן הַמַּעֲשֶׂה כִּי הִיא קִנְאַת אִישׁ מֵרֵעֵהוּ גַּם זֶה הֶבֶל וּרְעוּת רוּחַ
I have also noted that all labor and skillful enterprise come from men’s envy of each other—another futility and pursuit of wind!