Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Humanist Suffering From Insomnia

 Fania Oz-Salzberger 馃嚠馃嚤⚖️ 驻谞讬讛 注讜讝-讝诇爪讘专讙专


Mom, Israeli, Jewish, humanist, History prof. Loving daughter of Amos Oz. Tel Aviv U (BA, MA), Oxford U (D.Phil), Uppsala U (Dr. h.c) Democracy must win.

Can’t sleep. 54 days of emotional and mental flooding take their toll.

I find that I am grieving for the Israeli victims in my heart, and for the Gazan innocents in my brain.

This is not a bad thing. I could do worse. Lots of people are doing worse.

David Hume once wrote something to the effect that sympathy is naturally greater for those nearer to you, or those who resemble you. 

So perhaps it’s good that Reason steps in. It can make up for our instinct and sentiment. Be it as it may, the Gazan innocents are on my mind tonight.


Bright enough to be a professor but not bright enough to realize that people who say they want to kill her actually want to kill her.

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So remember the rule. People have a narrative of the world. Then they try to fit everything they see into that narrative. So her [Fania - whom I never heard of until five minutes ago...but her father is famous. The Wizard Of Oz] radical leftist narrative is that the people who openly call for our destruction and rejoice at our gruesome deaths [as documented in countless video clips] are really good people. Now she has to fit that in and spends all night doing so.