Wednesday, December 6, 2023

President Gay/ I Am Evil

There is no question in my mind that Claudine Gay, president of Harvard and defender of Chamas, was appointed president b/c of three key factors: She is a woman, black and her last name is Gay. 馃槀馃槀 [Somehow, Kamala Harris was chosen as VP while having only two of those critical components]

I have learned from the Internet, that I, in contrast, am the epitome of evil: White, male, married to a woman and a colonialist settler of the captured territory of Judea. [With *close relatives* in the Zionist army, presently involved in the ethnic cleansing of Gaza. Over 16,000 dead and TOTALLY unprovoked 馃槈]. Also - a Messianist. 讜讗注"驻 砖讬转诪讛诪讛 注诐 讻诇 讝讛 讗讞讻讛 诇讜 讘讻诇诇诇诇诇诇 讬讜诐 砖讬讘讜讗!!!!!

Random thoughts from the sleep deprived.