Something that puzzles me.
Day and night there are cries of "we must wipe out Hamas".
OK. We wiped out Chamas. They are gone. Dead. Finito. 馃槉馃槉馃槉馃挭馃挭馃挭
What now?
Well, there is Chizbullah. Ah - gotta dispose of them, too.
OK! Disposed. All dead as they should be.
Now what??
There are still BILLIONS who want to dispose of US!
OK. Mind blowing scenario: Complete security. Nobody wants to hurt the Jews [for the first time since there have been Jews...].
Uhhhhhhhh - well, now be can just enjoy ourselves. Make money and party in order to make more money for more parties???
That is a question nobody is addressing. The politicians talk about the importance of security w/o clueing people in to what it is that they are supposed to be doing with the security.
We don't just need security as an end in and of itself.
We need security so that we can perfect ourselves and the world and fill the world with knowledge of Hashem.
It is like Teshuva. Teshuva is not merely removing sin from our records. Teshuvah is ridding ourselves of sin b/c it serves as an obstruction between us and Hashem. Removing the sin is a means to the higher end of Dveykus Ba-Shem.
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Without a vision the nation will go wild. And one who guards Torah is strengthened.